Thursday, October 31, 2013

Let Him Need Me

I asked my sister author/speaker, a mom and grandmom, Kathy Collard Miller to guest blog. Kathy's passion is to inspire women to trust God more. Her words - and her transparency - help me as a mom and I hope they'll help you in your parenting!

Years ago, when my son, Mark, was 14, I faced the challenge of releasing him to fly alone for the first time from California to Florida to attend a Christian golf camp. As I explained how he should find his connecting flight in Dallas, Mark brushed me off by saying, “I know, Mom, I’ll be okay.” I didn’t think he knew at all how to “read” the arrival/departure monitor. Dallas was a huge airport, often requiring a long walk to a distant gate—sometimes even transferring to another terminal. “He’ll never find the correct gate,” I moaned to myself.[Tweet that]

Hours later, about the time Mark would arrive in Dallas, I felt tension seep into
my neck muscles. I knew the phone would ring any moment with Mark telling me he'd missed his connecting flight. How was I going to help him? I felt tense about him being alone and tense that I felt so helpless!
As I tried to keep busy doing housework, I suddenly sensed God whisper in my heart, “You're worried because you want him to fail.”

I couldn’t believe that was true. 

First of all, I wasn't worried, I was just concerned [haven't we all said that?]. And secondly, what kind of mother would want that? But God persisted, “You are worried because you want to be needed. Let him need Me instead.”

I was shocked, but soon realized it was true. I wanted to be a part of his life—even in this situation.[Tweet that] Needing me to help him would make me feel important and included.

That evening, the phone rang and it was Mark—in Florida. He had arrived safely. “Did you have trouble finding your connecting flight?” I nervously asked.

No, Mom,” he replied matter-of-factly. “It was directly across from the gate where I arrived.”

I fell silent. God had provided for him and I had unexpectedly learned the blessing of releasing my son to God’s loving care and calling worry worry!

Kathy's Newest Re-Released Book!Is it possible to worry less about our kids? Yes, through trusting God more! He is a parent, too.[Tweet that] Regardless of the storms of trials, temptations, worry, uncertainty, confusion, or regrets that you're facing, you can trust God more. Kathy's new book Partly Cloudy with Scattered Worries offers a conversational style, personal testimonies, practical illustrations, and solid biblical teaching for breaking anxiety and its devastating effects. In addition, a profile of a woman in the Bible, who struggled with or experienced victory over worry, is featured in each chapter to inspire readers to see God's hand at work.Get her book today at! Also, jump on Kathy's fantastic blog for more quick help.

If you have questions for Kathy or comments to her thoughts, please leave them below. She'll check back to see reader comments.

1 comment:

Kathy Collard Miller said...

Brenda, thank you so much for posting my article. I hope it's been a blessing to your readers. I praise God for your work to build up and equip parents. Very important. Keep up the great work!