Sunday, August 14, 2011

The August 2009 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine quoted me in the inspiring article, "Words to Chill By." If you can grab a copy, read this great little piece and tell me what you think.
The Birth to Five Book: Confident Childrearing Right from the Start (available on Amazon, is contracted for a Korean-language edition! How cool is that?

Now, for a child discipline Tip:
What Have You Learned?
Everyone tells me they learn about themselves when they become a parent. It's true; we not only learn about our kids but we are taught lessons, too. As a new mom, I quickly realized my parents weren't as dumb as I'd once thought. I also learned that raising a child is an exhausting 24/7 job with no reviews or raises but, like the slogan says, "It's the toughest job you'll ever love." Here are two other things I've come to know through my journey:
  • children who learn to be thankful early in life receive a permanent lesson in contented living
  • one expression of love is to discipline my daughters. Anyone can discipline my girls without loving them but, I can't fully love them without taking the time to discipline.
What have you learned? There are 8 techniques to get kids to mind without shouting, screaming or loosing your cool. We recorded my live Creative Discipline presentation onto a 1-hour CD. Now you can have those powerful 8 discipline techniques, too, by ordering this CD at my host page on The Parent's Plate radio show. Be sure to include your mailing address, so I'll know where to send your parenting tool.

1 comment:

Janine said...

Not being a parent (yet!), I've learned that I'm excited and anxious for that adventure when it begins, and that things I think now may very well change once I am a parent.

Thanks for your great blog!