Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Good Discipline Ain't Cheap

As a speaker, writer, and the parenting expert on numerous websites, I run into parents, grandparents, and childcare professionals who want a quick fix to a kid's unpleasant behavior. I guess that's why TV's Nanny 911 and Supernanny are such hits - people want a quick, easy fix.

But when it comes to daily discipline with youngsters, I recall Dwight Eisenhower's profound observation, "There is no victory at bargain basement prices."

Changing a child's unpleasant behavior -- or teaching an appropriate one -- demands patient, persistent, consistent devotion on your part. I wish I had some "pie in the sky" advice for you today, but honesty is my policy. Even when you think you've resolved one behavior issue, another one will rear its ugly head. Remain devoted to teaching a child how to behave . . . it'll eventually pay off.

The exciting news is: I can offer you a full one-hour discipline encouragement with 8 effective ways to discipline on CD. This CD, "Creative Discipline," which you can listen to over and over again or pass along to another parent, grandparent, or childcare professional shares funny and practical stories along with audience Q/A.

To get your CD, send a $12 check* to me at: PO Box 1302, Mount Vernon, OH 43050. I'll ship it to you ASAP for your daily discipline encouragement!

*U.S. orders/shipment only.
Get an hour of empowerment every Tuesday morning, 10 am (EST) on The Parent's Plate radio show.


Anonymous said...

Hi I am from Canada and just wondering if I can order your discipline CD?

Brenda Nixon, Author and Speaker said...

You certainly can order my "Creative Discipline" CD, athough the international mailing rates will make it a bit more costly. The CD is $10 + the international shipping of $5. So if you'd like to order this CD, simply mail your check or money order for $15 to me at: PO Box 1302, Mount Vernon, OH 43050 USA. I'll get your CD out to you as soon as I receive your order with return address. Thank you, Brenda