Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Don't Ya Just Love 'Em?

I've been a preschool teacher and I'm a mom so I know there are days when it is a challenge to like what you do and the kids you're with! I've also learned that it's my attitude that can make or break my interaction with these impressionable ones. What do you like about living/working with kids? Rate the following aspects from 1 (your fave) to 10 (least liked). Cross out any that don’t apply to your situation.

_____ reminding them of their chores

_____ listening to their stories

_____ solving their problems

_____ seeing new skills or abilities

_____ holiday happenings

_____ picking up after them

_____ meeting their friends

_____ correcting misbehavior

_____ presents they give you

_____ school plays

_____ funny antedotes they provide

Discipline yourself to think on the terrific times you have with kids. It may put a positive spin on your attitude and actions, and get you happily through this day.
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1 comment:

Mission Kitchen Renovations said...

Hii great reading your blog