Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Only Discipline that Lasts is. . .

Wow, Brenda, gimme that discipline method. I want to insure my kids mind so I'm done with discipline.
Wouldn't it be nice to see more patience, kindness, manners, listening to you from the kids? It is possible.
Brenda, tell me now!
NFL coach Bum Phillips was known for his folksy mannerisms, and for wearing his trademark cowboy hat on the sidelines, except when the Oilers played in the Astrodome or other domed stadiums. (He stated that his mother taught him not to wear a hat indoors.) Phillips would've been proud of this year's Super Bowl winners, the New Orleans Saints, because he coached the team from 1981 through the first 12 games of the 1985 season. One of his sayings in coaching applies to getting kids to mind, "The only discipline that lasts is self-discipline."
How do you get the kids to be more patient, kind, polite, listen to you? Show them through your own behavior. Be sure to model patience, kindness in the home, exchange please and thank you and, listen to your kids. It's through your self-disciplined behavior that you teach kids behaviors that last.
Want 8 more effective ways to get your kids to mind? Then listen to "Creative Discipline" - my 1-hr CD - available now at The Parent's Plate host page. Help is just a click away!

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