Sunday, February 5, 2012

Are You a Good Parent?

Do your children know what a good parent is?
Most of us have kids who - at times - declare we’re the "worst in the world!" Haha, 've been accused. Occasionally we mumble it to ourselves. Guilty here, too.

My Sunday school class kicked around this topic one morning. A mom confided, “I don’t want my son hanging around that house because I don’t think they’re good parents.”

“Tell your son,” replied another parent.

“He might think I’m criticizing if I say anything about them.”

“Do you say nothing?” wondered one dad.

“But I don’t want to sound like I am perfect,” another joined in.

“We’re afraid of putting other parents down,” echoed some.

“Wait a minute,” I challenged, “It is our job to teach our kids what a good parent is!”

C'mon people, how will our children learn good parenting unless it is modeled and defined? “In the grocery store I show my girls how to pick a ripe melon, what’s a good source of vitamins, to recognize fresh meat,” I continued, “Likewise, it’s my responsibility to teach them to identify a good parent.” This does not mean others are put down, rather it means I help my children learn discernment.

When Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd,” He wasn’t bragging. He was defining. Why? He wanted His followers to spot the model. Because? They would meet many “shepherds” in life and they'd become shepherds themselves. The Good Shepherd educated his flock. Should we do less? He also intended to equip them for their future task. As must we. Jesus clarified, “…the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep,” (John 10:11, AKJV) adding that hired shepherds don’t really love the flock. They’ll run away when predators come, Jesus maintained. Is this a put-down? No. It’s a distinctive difference.

This scripture overflows with lessons. Let’s be students of the Master Teacher. To apply this in the home we can teach our disappointed youngster with, “A good parent says ‘No’ sometimes.” To a frazzled, whining preschooler comment, “Good parents don’t respond when kids whine, use your big boy voice.” Or the ever popular, “Because good parents teach kids to daily brush their teeth.” My husband’s favorite is, “Good dads want to meet the guy their daughter dates.” When my teen challenges me, “Why do you have to know everything, Mom?” She hears, “Because good moms ask where their kid is going, who’s driving, and what’s the plan.”

Of course Jesus’ instruction provoked the Jewish ranks who called Him crazy. So we are not surprised when our - like most typical - kids argue with us. “Oh!” groans my daughter after I’ve said, “Good parents care about which movie you see.” These statements define without criticizing. Let’s tutor our kids in the profession of parenting.

I want my children to recognize qualities of a good parent just as I want them to recognize good food, friendships, decisions, interviews, a career, and life’s mate. It is my prayer that my girls will become parents with conviction and confidence.

They, like us, will not be perfect parents. But by our efforts, and God’s help, they will know how to be good ones. Well, those are my thoughts. What are yours? Feel free to write a comment below or simply click one of the boxes.

1 comment:

Jan Murray said...

The world today needs more parenting. Parents who give boundaries and show children that they love them and are interested in them. Jesus showed this to the world and as parents we can too.