Monday, August 1, 2011

Discipline Builds Self-Esteem

Many parents tell me that they don't want their discipline to injure their child's self-esteem. I applaud parents for this sensitivity, however, consistent, respectful discipline BUILDS a child's self-esteem. It sends the message, "I love you enough to care."

What a relief when I learned that self-esteem and self-confidence are different. We teach self-esteem, but confidence comes from experience. Even people with healthy self-esteem occasionally lack confidence.

Teach your child that he/she is worth your discipline. You are being a good parent - and showing love - when you take time to teach your child appropriate behavior.

Remember, tune in to The Parent's Plate internet radio show every Tuesday at 10 am (EST). If you miss the live show, click on my host page and get this hour of empowerment on podcast or with a free subscription to The Parent's Plate on iTunes!

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