Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What You Do Right

Raising a kid is hard work; after all, it begins with “labor.” If it were a breeze, everyone would turn out responsible, achieving, self-controlled contributors to society and there’d be no juvenile detention centers, teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, or violence. However, I believe everyone wants to do a good job – many just lack the skills, patience, or tenacity.

In keeping with my strength-based philosophy that all parents have some strengths, I want you to identify what you think are your strengths. Check off those items you do pretty well in raising kids:

___ Listen to my child
___ Laugh often
___ Give meaningful touch
___ Encourage
___ Am dependable
___ Make eye-contact
___ Balance rules with relationship

___ Restrain myself when frustrated
___ Ask questions to learn and improve
___ Teach values and virtues
___ Admit when I’m wrong
___ Give verbal compliments
___ Adjust to needs of each child
___ Recognize that discipline is teaching

What else do you think you do pretty well?_________________________________

In the daily grind of raising kids (or teaching them, if you’re a professional educator) remember, you do many things well! Just as you acknowledge and applaud the strengths in your kids, do the same with yourself.

I'd love to know how you filled in the above blank. Share your comment with me and others now.


Join me every Tuesday morning for an hour of empowerment on The Parent's Plate show www.toginet.com/shows/theparentsplate.


Raising Able said...

Hi Brenda- love your approach. I think we're on the same page for some our solutions.

Would you be interested in a review copy of my book, "Raising Able: how chores cultivate capable young people."

Send me your land address and I'll send you a copy - susan [at] susantordella [dot] net

Brenda Nixon, Author and Speaker said...

Sounds good - I agree that chores cultivate capable youngsters, build self esteem, and help kids feel they belong to the family.